Source code for

# Copyright 2018 Zil0
# Copyright © 2018, 2019 Damir Jelić <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import sqlite3
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import wraps
from typing import List, Optional

from peewee import DoesNotExist, SqliteDatabase
from playhouse.sqliteq import SqliteQueueDatabase

from ..crypto import (
from . import (

def use_database(fn):
    Ensure that the correct database context is used for the wrapped function.

    def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
        with self.database.bind_ctx(self.models):
            return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return inner

def use_database_atomic(fn):
    Ensure that the correct database context is used for the wrapped function.

    This also ensures that the database transaction will be atomic.

    def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
        with self.database.bind_ctx(self.models):
            if isinstance(self.database, SqliteQueueDatabase):
                return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
                with self.database.atomic():
                    return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return inner

[docs] @dataclass class MatrixStore: """Storage class for matrix state.""" models = [ Accounts, OlmSessions, MegolmInboundSessions, ForwardedChains, DeviceKeys, EncryptedRooms, OutgoingKeyRequests, StoreVersion, Keys, SyncTokens, ] store_version = 2 user_id: str = field() device_id: str = field() store_path: str = field() pickle_key: str = "" database_name: str = "" database_path: str = field(init=False) database: SqliteDatabase = field(init=False) def _create_database(self): return SqliteDatabase( self.database_path, pragmas={ "foreign_keys": 1, "secure_delete": 1, }, ) def upgrade_to_v2(self): with self.database.bind_ctx([DeviceKeys_v1]): self.database.drop_tables( [ DeviceTrustState, DeviceKeys_v1, ], safe=True, ) with self.database.bind_ctx(self.models): self.database.create_tables([DeviceKeys, DeviceTrustState]) self._update_version(2) def __post_init__(self): self.database_name = self.database_name or f"{self.user_id}_{self.device_id}.db" self.database_path = os.path.join(self.store_path, self.database_name) self.database = self._create_database() self.database.connect() store_version = self._get_store_version() # Update the store if it's an old version here. if store_version == 1: self.upgrade_to_v2() with self.database.bind_ctx(self.models): self.database.create_tables(self.models) def _get_store_version(self): with self.database.bind_ctx([StoreVersion]): self.database.create_tables([StoreVersion]) v, _ = StoreVersion.get_or_create(defaults={"version": self.store_version}) return v.version def _update_version(self, new_version): with self.database.bind_ctx([StoreVersion]): v, _ = StoreVersion.get_or_create(defaults={"version": new_version}) v.version = new_version @use_database def _get_account(self): try: return Accounts.get( Accounts.user_id == self.user_id, Accounts.device_id == self.device_id ) except DoesNotExist: return None
[docs] def load_account(self) -> Optional[OlmAccount]: """Load the Olm account from the database. Returns: ``OlmAccount`` object, or ``None`` if it wasn't found for the current device_id. """ account = self._get_account() if not account: return None return OlmAccount.from_pickle(account.account, self.pickle_key, account.shared)
[docs] @use_database def save_account(self, account): """Save the provided Olm account to the database. Args: account (OlmAccount): The olm account that will be pickled and saved in the database. """ Accounts.insert( user_id=self.user_id, device_id=self.device_id, shared=account.shared, account=account.pickle(self.pickle_key), ).on_conflict_ignore().execute() Accounts.update( { Accounts.account: account.pickle(self.pickle_key), Accounts.shared: account.shared, } ).where( (Accounts.user_id == self.user_id) & (Accounts.device_id == self.device_id) ).execute()
[docs] @use_database def load_sessions(self) -> SessionStore: """Load all Olm sessions from the database. Returns: ``SessionStore`` object, containing all the loaded sessions. """ session_store = SessionStore() account = self._get_account() if not account: return session_store for s in account.olm_sessions: session = Session.from_pickle(s.session, s.creation_time, self.pickle_key) session_store.add(s.sender_key, session) return session_store
[docs] @use_database def save_session(self, curve_key, session): """Save the provided Olm session to the database. Args: curve_key (str): The curve key that owns the Olm session. session (Session): The Olm session that will be pickled and saved in the database. """ account = self._get_account() assert account OlmSessions.replace( account=account, sender_key=curve_key, session=session.pickle(self.pickle_key),, creation_time=session.creation_time, last_usage_date=session.use_time, ).execute()
[docs] @use_database def load_inbound_group_sessions(self) -> GroupSessionStore: """Load all Olm sessions from the database. Returns: ``GroupSessionStore`` object, containing all the loaded sessions. """ store = GroupSessionStore() account = self._get_account() if not account: return store for s in account.inbound_group_sessions: session = InboundGroupSession.from_pickle( s.session, s.fp_key, s.sender_key, s.room_id, self.pickle_key, [chain.sender_key for chain in s.forwarded_chains], ) store.add(session) return store
[docs] @use_database def save_inbound_group_session(self, session): """Save the provided Megolm inbound group session to the database. Args: session (InboundGroupSession): The session to save. """ account = self._get_account() assert account MegolmInboundSessions.insert( sender_key=session.sender_key, account=account, fp_key=session.ed25519, room_id=session.room_id, session=session.pickle(self.pickle_key),, ).on_conflict_ignore().execute() MegolmInboundSessions.update( {MegolmInboundSessions.session: session.pickle(self.pickle_key)} ).where(MegolmInboundSessions.session_id == # TODO, use replace many here for chain in session.forwarding_chain: ForwardedChains.replace(sender_key=chain,
[docs] @use_database def load_device_keys(self) -> DeviceStore: """Load all the device keys from the database. Returns DeviceStore containing the OlmDevices with the device keys. """ store = DeviceStore() account = self._get_account() if not account: return store for d in account.device_keys: store.add( OlmDevice( d.user_id, d.device_id, {k.key_type: k.key for k in d.keys}, display_name=d.display_name, deleted=d.deleted, ) ) return store
[docs] @use_database_atomic def save_device_keys(self, device_keys): """Save the provided device keys to the database. Args: device_keys (Dict[str, Dict[str, OlmDevice]]): A dictionary containing a mapping from a user id to a dictionary containing a mapping of a device id to a OlmDevice. """ account = self._get_account() assert account rows = [] for user_id, devices_dict in device_keys.items(): for device_id, device in devices_dict.items(): rows.append( { "account": account, "user_id": user_id, "device_id": device_id, "display_name": device.display_name, "deleted": device.deleted, } ) if not rows: return for idx in range(0, len(rows), 100): data = rows[idx : idx + 100] DeviceKeys.insert_many(data).on_conflict_ignore().execute() for user_id, devices_dict in device_keys.items(): for device_id, device in devices_dict.items(): d = DeviceKeys.get( (DeviceKeys.account == account) & (DeviceKeys.user_id == user_id) & (DeviceKeys.device_id == device_id) ) d.deleted = device.deleted for key_type, key in device.keys.items(): Keys.replace(key_type=key_type, key=key, device=d).execute()
[docs] @use_database def load_encrypted_rooms(self): """Load the set of encrypted rooms for this account. Returns: ``Set`` containing room ids of encrypted rooms. """ account = self._get_account() if not account: return set() return {room.room_id for room in account.encrypted_rooms}
[docs] @use_database def load_outgoing_key_requests(self): """Load the set of outgoing key requests for this account. Returns: ``Set`` containing request ids of key requests. """ account = self._get_account() if not account: return {} return { request.request_id: OutgoingKeyRequest.from_database(request) for request in account.out_key_requests }
[docs] @use_database def add_outgoing_key_request(self, key_request: OutgoingKeyRequest) -> None: """Add an outgoing key request to the store.""" account = self._get_account() assert account OutgoingKeyRequests.insert( request_id=key_request.request_id, session_id=key_request.session_id, room_id=key_request.room_id, algorithm=key_request.algorithm, account=account, ).on_conflict_ignore().execute()
[docs] @use_database def remove_outgoing_key_request(self, key_request: OutgoingKeyRequest) -> None: """Remove an active outgoing key request from the store.""" account = self._get_account() assert account db_key_request = OutgoingKeyRequests.get_or_none( OutgoingKeyRequests.request_id == key_request.request_id, OutgoingKeyRequests.account == account, ) if db_key_request: db_key_request.delete_instance()
[docs] @use_database_atomic def save_encrypted_rooms(self, rooms): """Save the set of room ids for this account.""" account = self._get_account() assert account data = [(room_id, account) for room_id in rooms] for idx in range(0, len(data), 400): rows = data[idx : idx + 400] EncryptedRooms.insert_many( rows, fields=[EncryptedRooms.room_id, EncryptedRooms.account] ).on_conflict_ignore().execute()
[docs] @use_database def save_sync_token(self, token: str) -> None: """Save the given token""" account = self._get_account() assert account SyncTokens.replace(account=account, token=token).execute()
@use_database def load_sync_token(self) -> Optional[str]: account = self._get_account() if not account: return None token = SyncTokens.get_or_none( SyncTokens.account ==, ) if token: return token.token return None
[docs] @use_database def delete_encrypted_room(self, room: str) -> None: """Delete an encrypted room from the store.""" db_room = EncryptedRooms.get_or_none(EncryptedRooms.room_id == room) if db_room: db_room.delete_instance()
[docs] def blacklist_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: """Mark a device as blacklisted. Args: device (OlmDevice): The device that will be marked as blacklisted Returns True if the device was blacklisted, False otherwise, e.g. if the device was already blacklisted. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def unblacklist_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: """Unmark a device as blacklisted. Args: device (OlmDevice): The device that will be unmarked as blacklisted """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def verify_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: """Mark a device as verified. Args: device (OlmDevice): The device that will be marked as verified Returns True if the device was verified, False otherwise, e.g. if the device was already verified. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_device_verified(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: """Check if a device is verified. Args: device (OlmDevice): The device that will be checked if it's verified. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_device_blacklisted(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: """Check if a device is blacklisted. Args: device (OlmDevice): The device that will be checked if it's blacklisted. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def unverify_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: """Unmark a device as verified. Args: device (OlmDevice): The device that will be unmarked as verified Returns True if the device was unverified, False otherwise, e.g. if the device wasn't verified. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def ignore_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: """Mark a device as ignored. Args: device (OlmDevice): The device that will be marked as blacklisted Returns True if the device was ignored, False otherwise, e.g. if the device was already ignored. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def unignore_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: """Unmark a device as ignored. Args: device (OlmDevice): The device that will be marked as blacklisted Returns True if the device was unignored, False otherwise, e.g. if the device wasn't ignored in the first place. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def ignore_devices(self, devices: List[OlmDevice]) -> None: """Mark a list of devices as ignored. This is a more efficient way to mark multiple devices as ignored. Args: devices (list[OlmDevice]): A list of OlmDevices that will be marked as ignored. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_device_ignored(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: """Check if a device is ignored. Args: device (OlmDevice): The device that will be checked if it's ignored. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @dataclass class DefaultStore(MatrixStore): """The default nio Matrix Store. This store uses an Sqlite database as the main storage format while device trust state is stored in plaintext files using a format similar to the ssh known_hosts file format. The files will be created in the same directory as the main Sqlite database. One such file is created for each of the 3 valid states (verified, blacklisted, ignored). If a device isn't found in any of those files the verification state is considered to be unset. Args: user_id (str): The fully-qualified ID of the user that owns the store. device_id (str): The device id of the user's device. store_path (str): The path where the store should be stored. pickle_key (str, optional): A passphrase that will be used to encrypt encryption keys while they are in storage. database_name (str, optional): The file-name of the database that should be used. """ trust_db: KeyStore = field(init=False) blacklist_db: KeyStore = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): super().__post_init__() trust_file_path = f"{self.user_id}_{self.device_id}.trusted_devices" self.trust_db = KeyStore(os.path.join(self.store_path, trust_file_path)) blacklist_file_path = f"{self.user_id}_{self.device_id}.blacklisted_devices" self.blacklist_db = KeyStore(os.path.join(self.store_path, blacklist_file_path)) ignore_file_path = f"{self.user_id}_{self.device_id}.ignored_devices" self.ignore_db = KeyStore(os.path.join(self.store_path, ignore_file_path)) def blacklist_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: key = Key.from_olmdevice(device) self.trust_db.remove(key) self.ignore_db.remove(key) device.trust_state = TrustState.blacklisted return self.blacklist_db.add(key) def unblacklist_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: key = Key.from_olmdevice(device) if self.blacklist_db.remove(key): device.trust_state = TrustState.unset return True return False def verify_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: key = Key.from_olmdevice(device) self.blacklist_db.remove(key) self.ignore_db.remove(key) device.trust_state = TrustState.verified return self.trust_db.add(key) def is_device_verified(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: key = Key.from_olmdevice(device) return key in self.trust_db def is_device_blacklisted(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: key = Key.from_olmdevice(device) return key in self.blacklist_db def unverify_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: key = Key.from_olmdevice(device) if self.trust_db.remove(key): device.trust_state = TrustState.unset return True return False def ignore_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: key = Key.from_olmdevice(device) self.blacklist_db.remove(key) self.trust_db.remove(key) device.trust_state = TrustState.ignored return self.ignore_db.add(key) def unignore_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: key = Key.from_olmdevice(device) if self.ignore_db.remove(key): device.trust_state = TrustState.unset return True return False def ignore_devices(self, devices: List[OlmDevice]) -> None: keys = [Key.from_olmdevice(device) for device in devices] self.blacklist_db.remove_many(keys) self.trust_db.remove_many(keys) self.ignore_db.add_many(keys) for device in devices: device.trust_state = TrustState.ignored return def is_device_ignored(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: key = Key.from_olmdevice(device) return key in self.ignore_db @use_database def load_device_keys(self) -> DeviceStore: store = DeviceStore() account = self._get_account() if not account: return store for d in account.device_keys: device = OlmDevice( d.user_id, d.device_id, {k.key_type: k.key for k in d.keys}, display_name=d.display_name, deleted=d.deleted, ) trust_state = TrustState.unset key = Key.from_olmdevice(device) if key in self.trust_db: trust_state = TrustState.verified elif key in self.blacklist_db: trust_state = TrustState.blacklisted elif key in self.ignore_db: trust_state = TrustState.ignored device.trust_state = trust_state store.add(device) return store
[docs] @dataclass class SqliteStore(MatrixStore): """The Sqlite only nio Matrix Store. This store uses an Sqlite database as the main storage format as well as the store format for the trust state. Args: user_id (str): The fully-qualified ID of the user that owns the store. device_id (str): The device id of the user's device. store_path (str): The path where the store should be stored. pickle_key (str, optional): A passphrase that will be used to encrypt encryption keys while they are in storage. database_name (str, optional): The file-name of the database that should be used. """ models = MatrixStore.models + [DeviceTrustState] def _get_device(self, device): acc = self._get_account() if not acc: return None try: return DeviceKeys.get( DeviceKeys.user_id == device.user_id, DeviceKeys.device_id ==, DeviceKeys.account == acc, ) except DoesNotExist: return None @use_database def verify_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: if self.is_device_verified(device): return False d = self._get_device(device) assert d DeviceTrustState.replace(device=d, state=TrustState.verified).execute() device.trust_state = TrustState.verified return True @use_database def unverify_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: if not self.is_device_verified(device): return False d = self._get_device(device) assert d DeviceTrustState.replace(device=d, state=TrustState.unset).execute() device.trust_state = TrustState.unset return True @use_database def is_device_verified(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: d = self._get_device(device) if not d: return False try: trust_state = d.trust_state[0].state except IndexError: return False return trust_state == TrustState.verified @use_database def blacklist_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: if self.is_device_blacklisted(device): return False d = self._get_device(device) assert d DeviceTrustState.replace(device=d, state=TrustState.blacklisted).execute() device.trust_state = TrustState.blacklisted return True @use_database def unblacklist_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: if not self.is_device_blacklisted(device): return False d = self._get_device(device) assert d DeviceTrustState.replace(device=d, state=TrustState.unset).execute() device.trust_state = TrustState.unset return True @use_database def is_device_blacklisted(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: d = self._get_device(device) if not d: return False try: trust_state = d.trust_state[0].state except IndexError: return False return trust_state == TrustState.blacklisted @use_database def ignore_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: if self.is_device_ignored(device): return False d = self._get_device(device) assert d DeviceTrustState.replace(device=d, state=TrustState.ignored).execute() device.trust_state = TrustState.ignored return True @use_database def unignore_device(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: if not self.is_device_ignored(device): return False d = self._get_device(device) assert d DeviceTrustState.replace(device=d, state=TrustState.unset).execute() device.trust_state = TrustState.unset return True def _legacy_get_device_ids(self, account, devices): device_ids = [] for device in devices: d = DeviceKeys.get_or_none( DeviceKeys.account ==, DeviceKeys.user_id == device.user_id, DeviceKeys.device_id ==, ) assert d device_ids.append( return device_ids def _get_device_ids(self, account, devices): device_ids = [] tuple_values = [(d.user_id, for d in devices] values = [item for sublist in tuple_values for item in sublist] for idx in range(0, len(values), 300): data = values[idx : idx + 300] query_string = ( "SELECT devicekeys.* from devicekeys " "JOIN accounts ON " "WHERE == ? AND " "(devicekeys.user_id, devicekeys.device_id) IN " f"(VALUES {','.join(['(?, ?)'] * (len(data) // 2))})" ) query = DeviceKeys.raw(query_string,, *data) device_ids += [ for device_key in query] return device_ids @use_database_atomic def ignore_devices(self, devices: List[OlmDevice]) -> None: acc = self._get_account() if not acc: return None if sqlite3.sqlite_version_info >= (3, 15, 2): device_ids = self._get_device_ids(acc, devices) else: device_ids = self._legacy_get_device_ids(acc, devices) rows = [ {"device_id": device_id, "state": TrustState.ignored} for device_id in device_ids ] assert len(rows) == len(devices) for idx in range(0, len(rows), 100): trust_data = rows[idx : idx + 100] DeviceTrustState.replace_many(trust_data).execute() for device in devices: device.trust_state = TrustState.ignored @use_database def is_device_ignored(self, device: OlmDevice) -> bool: d = self._get_device(device) if not d: return False try: trust_state = d.trust_state[0].state except IndexError: return False return trust_state == TrustState.ignored @use_database def load_device_keys(self) -> DeviceStore: store = DeviceStore() account = self._get_account() if not account: return store for d in account.device_keys: try: trust_state = d.trust_state[0].state except IndexError: trust_state = TrustState.unset store.add( OlmDevice( d.user_id, d.device_id, {k.key_type: k.key for k in d.keys}, display_name=d.display_name, deleted=d.deleted, trust_state=trust_state, ) ) return store
[docs] class SqliteMemoryStore(SqliteStore): """The Sqlite only nio Matrix Store. This store uses a Sqlite database as the main storage format as well as the store format for the trust state. The Sqlite database will be stored only in memory and all the data will be lost after the object is deleted. Args: user_id (str): The fully-qualified ID of the user that owns the store. device_id (str): The device id of the user's device. pickle_key (str, optional): A passphrase that will be used to encrypt encryption keys while they are in storage. """ def __init__(self, user_id, device_id, pickle_key=""): super().__init__(user_id, device_id, "", pickle_key=pickle_key) def _create_database(self): return SqliteDatabase( ":memory:", pragmas={ "foreign_keys": 1, "secure_delete": 1, }, )