Source code for nio.api

# Copyright © 2018 Damir Jelić <>
# Copyright © 2020-2021 Famedly GmbH
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for
# any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the
# above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

"""nio api module.

This module contains primitives to build Matrix API http requests.

In general these functions are not directly called. One should use an existing
client like AsyncClient or HttpClient.

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterable
from enum import Enum, unique
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID

    from .events.account_data import PushAction, PushCondition

    from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode, urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urllib import quote, urlencode  # type: ignore

    from urlparse import urlparse  # type: ignore

MATRIX_API_PATH_V1: str = "/_matrix/client/v1"
MATRIX_API_PATH_V3: str = "/_matrix/client/v3"
MATRIX_MEDIA_API_PATH: str = "/_matrix/media/v3"

_FilterT = Union[None, str, Dict[Any, Any]]

class MessageDirection(Enum):
    """Enum representing the direction messages should be fetched from."""

    back = "b"
    front = "f"

class ResizingMethod(Enum):
    """Enum representing the desired resizing method for a thumbnail.

    "scale" maintains the original aspect ratio of the image,
    "crop" provides an image in the aspect ratio of the requested size.

    scale = "scale"
    crop = "crop"

class RoomVisibility(Enum):
    """Enum representing the desired visibility when creating a room.

    "public" means the room will be shown in the server's room directory.
    "private" will hide the room from the server's room directory.

    private = "private"
    public = "public"

class RoomPreset(Enum):
    """Enum representing the available rule presets when creating a room.

    "private_chat" makes the room invite-only and allows guests.

    "trusted_private_chat" is the same as above, but also gives all invitees
    the same power level as the room's creator.

    "public_chat" makes the room joinable by anyone without invitations, and
    forbid guests.

    private_chat = "private_chat"
    trusted_private_chat = "trusted_private_chat"
    public_chat = "public_chat"

class EventFormat(Enum):
    """Available formats in which a filter can make the server return events.

    "client" will return the events in a format suitable for clients.
    "federation" will return the raw event as received over federation.

    client = "client"
    federation = "federation"

class PushRuleKind(Enum):
    """Push rule kinds defined by the Matrix spec, ordered by priority."""

    override = "override"
    content = "content"
    room = "room"
    sender = "sender"
    underride = "underride"

class RelationshipType(Enum):
    """Relationship types defined by the Matrix spec."""

    replacement = "m.replace"
    annotation = "m.annotation"
    thread = "m.thread"
    reference = "m.reference"

class ReceiptType(Enum):
    """Enum to denote the type of ephemeral receipt."""

    read = ""
    read_private = ""
    fully_read = "m.fully_read"

class ThreadInclusion(Enum):
    """Enum to denote which thread roots are of interest in a request."""

    all = "all"
    participated = "participated"

[docs] class Api: """Matrix API class. Static methods reflecting the Matrix REST API. """
[docs] @staticmethod def to_json(content_dict: Dict[Any, Any]) -> str: """Turn a dictionary into a json string.""" return json.dumps(content_dict, separators=(",", ":"))
[docs] @staticmethod def to_canonical_json(content_dict: Dict[Any, Any]) -> str: """Turn a dictionary into a canonical json string.""" return json.dumps( content_dict, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(",", ":"), sort_keys=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def mimetype_to_msgtype(mimetype: str) -> str: """Turn a mimetype into a matrix message type.""" if mimetype.startswith("image"): return "m.image" elif mimetype.startswith("video"): return "" elif mimetype.startswith("audio"): return "" return "m.file"
[docs] @staticmethod def mxc_to_http(mxc: str, homeserver: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: """Convert a matrix content URI to a HTTP URI.""" url = urlparse(mxc) if url.scheme != "mxc": return None if not url.netloc or not url.path: return None parsed_homeserver = urlparse(homeserver) if homeserver else None http_url = ( f"{homeserver}{MATRIX_MEDIA_API_PATH}/download/" "{server_name}{mediaId}" ).format( homeserver=( parsed_homeserver.geturl() if parsed_homeserver else f"https://{url.netloc}" ), server_name=url.hostname, mediaId=url.path, ) return http_url
[docs] @staticmethod def encrypted_mxc_to_plumb( mxc, key: str, hash: str, iv: str, homeserver: Optional[str] = None, mimetype: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[str]: """Convert a matrix content URI to a encrypted mxc URI. The return value of this function will have a URI schema of emxc://. The path of the URI will be converted just like the mxc_to_http() function does, but it will also contain query parameters that are necessary to decrypt the payload the URI is pointing to. This function is useful to present a clickable URI that can be passed to a plumber program that will download and decrypt the content that the matrix content URI is pointing to. The returned URI should never be converted to http and opened directly, as that would expose the decryption parameters to any middleman or ISP. Args: mxc (str): The matrix content URI. key (str): The encryption key that can be used to decrypt the payload the URI is pointing to. hash (str): The hash of the payload. iv (str): The initial value needed to decrypt the payload. mimetype (str): The mimetype of the payload. """ url = urlparse(mxc) if url.scheme != "mxc": return None if not url.netloc or not url.path: return None parsed_homeserver = urlparse(homeserver) if homeserver else None host = ( parsed_homeserver._replace(scheme="emxc").geturl() if parsed_homeserver else None ) plumb_url = ( f"{homeserver}{MATRIX_MEDIA_API_PATH}/download/" "{server_name}{mediaId}" ).format( homeserver=host or f"emxc://{url.netloc}", server_name=url.hostname, mediaId=url.path, ) query_parameters = { "key": key, "hash": hash, "iv": iv, } if mimetype is not None: query_parameters["mimetype"] = mimetype plumb_url += f"?{urlencode(query_parameters)}" return plumb_url
@staticmethod def _build_path( path: Union[str, Sequence[str]], query_parameters: Optional[Dict] = None, base_path: str = MATRIX_API_PATH_V3, ) -> str: """Builds a percent-encoded path from a list of strings. For example, turns ["hello", "wo/rld"] into "/hello/wo%2Frld". All special characters are percent encoded, including the forward slash (/). Args: path (List[str]): the list of path elements. query_parameters (Dict, optional): [description]. Defaults to None. base_path (str, optional): A base path to be prepended to path. Defaults to MATRIX_API_PATH_V3. Returns: str: [description] """ if isinstance(path, str): quoted_path = quote(path, safe="") elif isinstance(path, Sequence): quoted_path = "/".join(quote(str(part), safe="") for part in path) else: raise AssertionError( f"'path' must be of type List[str] or str, got {type(path)}" ) built_path = f"{base_path}/{quoted_path}".rstrip("/") if query_parameters: built_path += f"?{urlencode(query_parameters)}" return built_path
[docs] @staticmethod def discovery_info() -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get discovery information about a domain. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. """ path = [".well-known", "matrix", "client"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, base_path="")
[docs] @staticmethod def login_info() -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get the Homeserver's supported login types Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. """ path = ["login"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path)
[docs] @staticmethod def register( user: str, password: Optional[str] = None, device_name: Optional[str] = "", device_id: Optional[str] = "", auth_dict: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """Register a new user. Args: user (str): The fully qualified user ID or just local part of the user ID, to log in. password (str): The user's password. device_name (str): A display name to assign to a newly-created device. Ignored if device_id corresponds to a known device device_id (str): ID of the client device. If this does not correspond to a known client device, a new device will be created. auth_dict (Dict[str, Any, optional): The authentication dictionary containing the elements for a particular registration flow. If not provided, then m.login.dummy is used. See the example below and here for detailed documentation Example: >>> auth_dict = { >>> "type": "m.login.registration_token", >>> "registration_token": "REGISTRATIONTOKEN", >>> "session": "session-id-from-homeserver" >>> } """ path = ["register"] content_dict = { "username": user, "password": password, "auth": auth_dict or {"type": "m.login.dummy"}, } if device_id: content_dict["device_id"] = device_id if device_name: content_dict["initial_device_display_name"] = device_name return "POST", Api._build_path(path), Api.to_json(content_dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def login( user: str, password: Optional[str] = None, device_name: Optional[str] = "", device_id: Optional[str] = "", token: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Authenticate the user. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: user (str): The fully qualified user ID or just local part of the user ID, to log in. If the user ID contains an '@', but no ':', the user ID will be considered to be an email address. password (str): The user's password. device_name (str): A display name to assign to a newly-created device. Ignored if device_id corresponds to a known device device_id (str): ID of the client device. If this does not correspond to a known client device, a new device will be created. token (str): Token for token-based login. """ path = ["login"] if password is not None: identifier = {} if "@" in user and not user.startswith("@"): identifier = { "type": "", "medium": "email", "address": user, } else: # As per spec, a user can login with either their localpart (that # cannot contain an @) or their full Matrix ID, starting with an @. identifier = { "type": "", "user": user, } content_dict = { "type": "m.login.password", "identifier": identifier, "password": password, } elif token is not None: content_dict = { "type": "m.login.token", "token": token, } else: raise ValueError("Neither a password nor a token was provided") if device_id: content_dict["device_id"] = device_id if device_name: content_dict["initial_device_display_name"] = device_name return "POST", Api._build_path(path), Api.to_json(content_dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def login_raw( auth_dict: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Login to the homeserver using a raw dictionary. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: auth_dict (Dict[str, Any): The authentication dictionary containing the elements for the logon. See the example below and here for detailed documentation Example: >>> auth_dict = { >>> "type": "m.login.password", >>> "identifier": { >>> "type": "", >>> "medium": "email", >>> "address": "" >>> }, >>> "password": "PASSWORDABCD", >>> "initial_device_display_name": "Test user" >>> } """ if auth_dict is None or auth_dict == {}: raise ValueError("Auth dictionary cannot be empty") path = ["login"] return "POST", Api._build_path(path), Api.to_json(auth_dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def logout( access_token: str, all_devices: bool = False, ): """Logout the session. Returns nothing. Args: access_token (str): the access token to be used with the request. all_devices (bool): Logout all sessions from all devices if set to True. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["logout"] if all_devices: path.append("all") return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def sync( access_token: str, since: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, filter: Optional[_FilterT] = None, full_state: Optional[bool] = None, set_presence: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Synchronise the client's state with the latest state on the server. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. since (str): The room id of the room where the event will be sent to. timeout (int): The maximum time to wait, in milliseconds, before returning this request. filter (Union[None, str, Dict[Any, Any]): A filter ID or dict that should be used for this sync request. full_state (bool, optional): Controls whether to include the full state for all rooms the user is a member of. If this is set to true, then all state events will be returned, even if since is non-empty. The timeline will still be limited by the since parameter. set_presence (str, optional): Controls whether the client is automatically marked as online by polling this API. If this parameter is omitted then the client is automatically marked as online when it uses this API. Otherwise if the parameter is set to "offline" then the client is not marked as being online when it uses this API. When set to "unavailable", the client is marked as being idle. One of: ["offline", "online", "unavailable"] """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["sync"] if since: query_parameters["since"] = since if full_state is not None: query_parameters["full_state"] = str(full_state).lower() if timeout is not None: query_parameters["timeout"] = str(timeout) if set_presence: query_parameters["set_presence"] = set_presence if isinstance(filter, dict): filter_json = json.dumps(filter, separators=(",", ":")) query_parameters["filter"] = filter_json elif isinstance(filter, str): query_parameters["filter"] = filter return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_send( access_token: str, room_id: str, event_type: str, body: Dict[Any, Any], tx_id: Union[str, UUID], ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Send a message event to a room. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room where the event will be sent to. event_type (str): The type of the message that will be sent. body(Dict): The body of the event. The fields in this object will vary depending on the type of event. tx_id (str): The transaction ID for this event. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["rooms", room_id, "send", event_type, str(tx_id)] return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(body)
[docs] @staticmethod def space_get_hierarchy( access_token: str, space_id: str, from_page: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, max_depth: Optional[int] = None, suggested_only: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get rooms/spaces that are a part of the provided space. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. space_id (str): The ID of the space to get the hierarchy for. from_page (str, optional): Pagination token from a previous request to this endpoint. limit (int, optional): The maximum number of rooms to return. max_depth (int, optional): The maximum depth of the returned tree. suggested_only (bool, optional): Whether to only return rooms that are considered suggested. Defaults to False. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} if from_page: query_parameters["from"] = from_page if limit: query_parameters["limit"] = limit if max_depth: query_parameters["max_depth"] = max_depth if suggested_only: query_parameters["suggested_only"] = suggested_only path = ["rooms", space_id, "hierarchy"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters, "/_matrix/client/v1")
[docs] @staticmethod def direct_room_list(access_token: str, user_id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Lists all rooms flagged as direct the client is participating in. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used within the request user_id (str): The user id of the user to get the direct rooms for """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["user", user_id, "account_data", ""] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_get_event( access_token: str, room_id: str, event_id: str ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get a single event based on roomId/eventId. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room where the event is in. event_id (str): The event id to get. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["rooms", room_id, "event", event_id] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_get_event_relations( access_token: str, room_id: str, event_id: str, rel_type: Optional[RelationshipType] = None, event_type: Optional[str] = None, direction: MessageDirection = MessageDirection.back, paginate_from: str | None = None, paginate_to: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get all child events of a given parent event. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room where the event is in. event_id (str): The event id to get. rel_type (RelationshipType, optional): The relationship type to search for. Required if event_type is provided. event_type: (str, optional): The event type of child events to search for. Ignored if rel_type is not provided. direction (MessageDirection, optional): The direction to return events from. Defaults to MessageDirection.back. paginate_from (str, optional): A pagination token from a previous result. When not provided, the server starts paginating from the most recent event. paginate_to (str, optional): The pagination token to stop returning results at. If not supplied, results continue until 'limit', or until there no more events. limit (int, optional): Limit for the maximum thread roots to include per paginated response. Homeservers will apply a default value, and override this with a maximum value. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token, "dir": direction.value} if paginate_from: query_parameters["from"] = paginate_from if paginate_to: query_parameters["to"] = paginate_to if limit: query_parameters["limit"] = limit path = ["rooms", room_id, "relations", event_id] if rel_type: path.append(rel_type.value) if event_type: path.append(event_type) return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters, "/_matrix/client/v1")
[docs] @staticmethod def room_get_threads( access_token: str, room_id: str, include: ThreadInclusion = ThreadInclusion.all, paginate_from: str | None = None, paginate_to: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Paginate through the list of the thread roots in a given room. Optionally, filter for threads in which the requesting user has participated. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room where the event is in. include (ThreadInclusion, optional): Flag to filter whether to include just threads that the user participated in or all of them. paginate_from (str, optional): A pagination token from a previous result. When not provided, the server starts paginating from the most recent event. paginate_to (str, optional): The pagination token to stop returning results at. If not supplied, results continue until 'limit', or until there no more events. limit (int, optional): Limit for the maximum thread roots to include per paginated response. Servers will apply a default value, and override this with a maximum value. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token, "include": include.value} if paginate_from: query_parameters["from"] = paginate_from if paginate_to: query_parameters["to"] = paginate_to if limit: query_parameters["limit"] = limit path = ["rooms", room_id, "threads"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters, "/_matrix/client/v1")
[docs] @staticmethod def room_put_state( access_token: str, room_id: str, event_type: str, body: Dict[Any, Any], state_key: str = "", ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Send a state event. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room where the event will be sent to. event_type (str): The type of the event that will be sent. body(Dict): The body of the event. The fields in this object will vary depending on the type of event. state_key: The key of the state to look up. Defaults to an empty string. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["rooms", room_id, "state", event_type, state_key] return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(body)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_get_state_event( access_token, room_id: str, event_type: str, state_key: str = "" ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Fetch a state event. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room where the state is fetched from. event_type (str): The type of the event that will be fetched. state_key: The key of the state to look up. Defaults to an empty string. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["rooms", room_id, "state", event_type, state_key] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_get_state(access_token: str, room_id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Fetch the current state for a room. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room where the state is fetched from. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["rooms", room_id, "state"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_redact( access_token: str, room_id: str, event_id: str, tx_id: Union[str, UUID], reason: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Strip information out of an event. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room that contains the event that will be redacted. event_id (str): The ID of the event that will be redacted. tx_id (str/UUID, optional): A transaction ID for this event. reason(str, optional): A description explaining why the event was redacted. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} body = {} if reason: body["reason"] = reason path = ["rooms", room_id, "redact", event_id, str(tx_id)] return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(body)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_kick( access_token: str, room_id: str, user_id: str, reason: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Kick a user from a room, or withdraw their invitation. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room that the user will be kicked from. user_id (str): The user_id of the user that should be kicked. reason (str, optional): A reason for which the user is kicked. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} body = {"user_id": user_id} if reason: body["reason"] = reason path = ["rooms", room_id, "kick"] return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(body)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_ban( access_token: str, room_id: str, user_id: str, reason: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Ban a user from a room. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room that the user will be banned from. user_id (str): The user_id of the user that should be banned. reason (str, optional): A reason for which the user is banned. """ path = ["rooms", room_id, "ban"] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} body = {"user_id": user_id} if reason: body["reason"] = reason return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(body)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_unban( access_token: str, room_id: str, user_id: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Unban a user from a room. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room that the user will be unbanned from. user_id (str): The user_id of the user that should be unbanned. """ path = ["rooms", room_id, "unban"] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} body = {"user_id": user_id} return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(body)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_knock( access_token: str, room_id: str, reason: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Knocks on a room for the user. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room that the user will be knocking on. reason (str, optional): The reason the user is knocking. """ path = ["knock", room_id] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} body = {} if reason: body["reason"] = reason return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(body)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_invite( access_token: str, room_id: str, user_id: str ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Invite a user to a room. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room that the user will be invited to. user_id (str): The user id of the user that should be invited. """ path = ["rooms", room_id, "invite"] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} body = {"user_id": user_id} return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(body)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_create( access_token: str, visibility: RoomVisibility = RoomVisibility.private, alias: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, topic: Optional[str] = None, room_version: Optional[str] = None, room_type: Optional[str] = None, federate: bool = True, is_direct: bool = False, preset: Optional[RoomPreset] = None, invite: Sequence[str] = (), initial_state: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]] = (), power_level_override: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, predecessor: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, space: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Create a new room. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. visibility (RoomVisibility): whether to have the room published in the server's room directory or not. Defaults to ``RoomVisibility.private``. alias (str, optional): The desired canonical alias local part. For example, if set to "foo" and the room is created on the "" server, the room alias will be "". name (str, optional): A name to set for the room. topic (str, optional): A topic to set for the room. room_version (str, optional): The room version to set. If not specified, the homeserver will use its default setting. If a version not supported by the homeserver is specified, a 400 ``M_UNSUPPORTED_ROOM_VERSION`` error will be returned. room_type (str, optional): The room type to set. If not specified, the homeserver will use its default setting. In spec v1.2 the following room types are specified: - ```` Unspecified room types are permitted through the use of Namespaced Identifiers. federate (bool): Whether to allow users from other homeservers from joining the room. Defaults to ``True``. Cannot be changed later. is_direct (bool): If this should be considered a direct messaging room. If ``True``, the server will set the ``is_direct`` flag on `` events`` sent to the users in ``invite``. Defaults to ``False``. preset (RoomPreset, optional): The selected preset will set various rules for the room. If unspecified, the server will choose a preset from the ``visibility``: ``RoomVisibility.public`` equates to ``RoomPreset.public_chat``, and ``RoomVisibility.private`` equates to a ``RoomPreset.private_chat``. invite (list): A list of user id to invite to the room. initial_state (list): A list of state event dicts to send when the room is created. For example, a room could be made encrypted immediately by having a ```` event dict. power_level_override (dict): A `` content`` dict to override the default. The dict will be applied on top of the generated ```` event before it is sent to the room. space (bool): Create as a Space (defaults to False). """ path = ["createRoom"] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} body = { "visibility": visibility.value, "creation_content": {"m.federate": federate}, "is_direct": is_direct, } if alias: body["room_alias_name"] = alias if name: body["name"] = name if topic: body["topic"] = topic if room_version: body["room_version"] = room_version if room_type: body["creation_content"]["type"] = room_type if preset: body["preset"] = preset.value if invite: body["invite"] = list(invite) if initial_state: body["initial_state"] = list(initial_state) if power_level_override: body["power_level_content_override"] = power_level_override if predecessor: body["creation_content"]["predecessor"] = predecessor if space: body["creation_content"]["type"] = "" return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(body)
[docs] @staticmethod def join(access_token: str, room_id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Join a room. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room identifier or alias to join. """ path = ["join", room_id] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_leave(access_token: str, room_id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Leave a room. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room that will be left. """ path = ["rooms", room_id, "leave"] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_forget(access_token: str, room_id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Forget a room. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room id of the room that will be forgotten. """ path = ["rooms", room_id, "forget"] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_messages( access_token: str, room_id: str, start: Optional[str] = None, end: Optional[str] = None, direction: MessageDirection = MessageDirection.back, limit: int = 10, message_filter: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get room messages. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): room id of the room for which to download the messages start (str): The token to start returning events from. end (str): The token to stop returning events at. direction (MessageDirection): The direction to return events from. limit (int): The maximum number of events to return. message_filter (Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]): A filter dict that should be used for this room messages request. """ query_parameters = { "access_token": access_token, "limit": limit, } if start: query_parameters["from"] = start if end: query_parameters["to"] = end if isinstance(direction, str): if direction in ("b", "back"): direction = MessageDirection.back elif direction in ("f", "front"): direction = MessageDirection.front else: raise ValueError("Invalid direction") query_parameters["dir"] = direction.value if isinstance(message_filter, dict): filter_json = json.dumps(message_filter, separators=(",", ":")) query_parameters["filter"] = filter_json path = ["rooms", room_id, "messages"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def keys_upload( access_token: str, key_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Publish end-to-end encryption keys. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. key_dict (Dict): The dictionary containing device and one-time keys that will be published to the server. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} body = key_dict path = ["keys", "upload"] return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(body)
[docs] @staticmethod def keys_query( access_token: str, user_set: Iterable[str], token: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Query the current devices and identity keys for the given users. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. user_set (Set[str]): The users for which the keys should be downloaded. token (Optional[str]): If the client is fetching keys as a result of a device update received in a sync request, this should be the 'since' token of that sync request, or any later sync token. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["keys", "query"] content: Dict[str, Dict[str, List]] = { "device_keys": {user: [] for user in user_set} } if token: content["token"] = token # type: ignore return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def keys_claim( access_token: str, user_set: Dict[str, Iterable[str]] ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Claim one-time keys for use in Olm pre-key messages. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. user_set (Dict[str, List[str]]): The users and devices for which to claim one-time keys to be claimed. A map from user ID, to a list of device IDs. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["keys", "claim"] payload: DefaultDict[str, Dict[str, str]] = defaultdict(dict) for user_id, device_list in user_set.items(): for device_id in device_list: payload[user_id][device_id] = "signed_curve25519" content = {"one_time_keys": payload} return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_device( access_token: str, event_type: str, content: Dict[Any, Any], tx_id: Union[str, UUID], ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: r"""Send to-device events to a set of client devices. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. event_type (str): The type of the event which will be sent. content (Dict): The messages to send. A map from user ID, to a map from device ID to message body. The device ID may also be \*, meaning all known devices for the user. tx_id (str): The transaction ID for this event. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["sendToDevice", event_type, str(tx_id)] return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def devices(access_token: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get the list of devices for the current user. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["devices"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_device( access_token: str, device_id: str, content: Dict[str, str] ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Update the metadata of the given device. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. device_id (str): The device for which the metadata will be updated. content (Dict): A dictionary of metadata values that will be updated for the device. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["devices", device_id] return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_devices( access_token: str, devices: List[str], auth_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Delete a device. This API endpoint uses the User-Interactive Authentication API. This tells the server to delete the given devices and invalidate their associated access tokens. Should first be called with no additional authentication information. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. devices (List[str]): A list of devices which will be deleted. auth_dict (Dict): Additional authentication information for the user-interactive authentication API. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["delete_devices"] content: Dict[str, Any] = {"devices": devices} if auth_dict: content["auth"] = auth_dict return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def joined_members(access_token: str, room_id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get the list of joined members for a room. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): Room id of the room where the user is typing. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["rooms", room_id, "joined_members"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def joined_rooms(access_token: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get the list of joined rooms for the logged in account. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["joined_rooms"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_resolve_alias(room_alias: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Resolve a room alias to a room ID. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: room_alias (str): The alias to resolve """ path = ["directory", "room", room_alias] return "GET", Api._build_path(path)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_delete_alias(access_token: str, room_alias: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Delete a room alias. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_alias (str): The alias to delete """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["directory", "room", room_alias] return "DELETE", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_put_alias( access_token: str, room_alias: str, room_id: str ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Add a room alias. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_alias (str): The alias to add room_id (str): The room ID to map to """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["directory", "room", room_alias] body = { "room_id": room_id, } return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(body)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_get_visibility(room_id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get visibility of a room in the directory. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: room_id (str): The room ID to query. """ path = ["directory", "list", "room", room_id] return "GET", Api._build_path(path)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_typing( access_token: str, room_id: str, user_id: str, typing_state: bool = True, timeout: int = 30000, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Send a typing notice to the server. This tells the server that the user is typing for the next N milliseconds or that the user has stopped typing. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): Room id of the room where the user is typing. user_id (str): The user who has started to type. typing_state (bool): A flag representing whether the user started or stopped typing timeout (int): For how long should the new typing notice be valid for in milliseconds. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["rooms", room_id, "typing", user_id] content = {"typing": typing_state} if typing_state: content["timeout"] = timeout # type: ignore return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_receipt_marker( access_token: str, room_id: str, event_id: str, receipt_type: ReceiptType =, thread_id: str = "main", ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Update the marker of given `receipt_type` to specified `event_id`. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): Room id of the room where the marker should be updated event_id (str): The event ID the read marker should be located at receipt_type (ReceiptType): The type of receipt to send. Currently, only `` is supported by the Matrix specification. thread_id (str): The thread root's event ID. Defaults to "main" to indicate the main timeline, and thus not in a thread. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["rooms", room_id, "receipt", receipt_type.value, event_id] content = {"thread_id": thread_id} return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_read_markers( access_token: str, room_id: str, fully_read_event: str, read_event: Optional[str] = None, private_read_event: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Update fully read marker and optionally read marker for a room. This sets the position of the read marker for a given room, and optionally the location of the read receipt and private read receipt. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): Room id of the room where the read markers should be updated fully_read_event (str): The event ID the read marker should be located at. read_event (Optional[str]): The event ID to set the read receipt location at. private_read_event (Optional[str]): The event ID to set the private read receipt location at. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["rooms", room_id, "read_markers"] content = {ReceiptType.fully_read.value: fully_read_event} if read_event: content[] = read_event if private_read_event: content[ReceiptType.read_private.value] = private_read_event return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def content_repository_config(access_token: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get the content repository configuration, such as upload limits. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["config"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters, MATRIX_MEDIA_API_PATH)
[docs] @staticmethod def upload( access_token: str, filename: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Upload a file's content to the content repository. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and empty data for the request. The real data should be read from the file that should be uploaded. Note: This requests also requires the Content-Type http header to be set. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. filename (str): The name of the file being uploaded """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["upload"] if filename: query_parameters["filename"] = filename return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters, MATRIX_MEDIA_API_PATH)
[docs] @staticmethod def download( server_name: str, media_id: str, filename: Optional[str] = None, allow_remote: bool = True, file: Optional[os.PathLike] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get the content of a file from the content repository. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: server_name (str): The server name from the mxc:// URI. media_id (str): The media ID from the mxc:// URI. filename (str, optional): A filename to be returned in the response by the server. If None (default), the original name of the file will be returned instead, if there is one. allow_remote (bool): Indicates to the server that it should not attempt to fetch the media if it is deemed remote. This is to prevent routing loops where the server contacts itself. file (os.PathLike): The file to stream the downloaded content to. """ query_parameters = { "allow_remote": "true" if allow_remote else "false", } end = "" if filename: end = filename path = ["download", server_name, media_id, end] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters, MATRIX_MEDIA_API_PATH)
[docs] @staticmethod def thumbnail( server_name: str, media_id: str, width: int, height: int, method: ResizingMethod = ResizingMethod.scale, allow_remote: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get the thumbnail of a file from the content repository. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Note: The actual thumbnail may be larger than the size specified. Args: server_name (str): The server name from the mxc:// URI. media_id (str): The media ID from the mxc:// URI. width (int): The desired width of the thumbnail. height (int): The desired height of the thumbnail. method (ResizingMethod): The desired resizing method. allow_remote (bool): Indicates to the server that it should not attempt to fetch the media if it is deemed remote. This is to prevent routing loops where the server contacts itself. """ query_parameters = { "width": width, "height": height, "method": method.value, "allow_remote": "true" if allow_remote else "false", } path = ["thumbnail", server_name, media_id] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters, MATRIX_MEDIA_API_PATH)
[docs] @staticmethod def profile_get( user_id: str, access_token: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get the combined profile information for a user. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: user_id (str): User id to get the profile for. access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. If omitted, an unauthenticated request is performed. """ query_parameters = {} if access_token is not None: query_parameters["access_token"] = access_token path = ["profile", user_id] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def profile_get_displayname( user_id: str, access_token: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get display name. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: user_id (str): User id to get display name for. access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. If omitted, an unauthenticated request is performed. """ query_parameters = {} if access_token is not None: query_parameters["access_token"] = access_token path = ["profile", user_id, "displayname"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def profile_set_displayname( access_token: str, user_id: str, display_name: str ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Set display name. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. user_id (str): User id to set display name for. display_name (str): Display name for user to set. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} content = {"displayname": display_name} path = ["profile", user_id, "displayname"] return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def profile_get_avatar( user_id: str, access_token: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get avatar URL. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: user_id (str): User id to get avatar for. access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. If omitted, an unauthenticated request is performed. """ query_parameters = {} if access_token is not None: query_parameters["access_token"] = access_token path = ["profile", user_id, "avatar_url"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def profile_set_avatar( access_token: str, user_id: str, avatar_url: str ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Set avatar url. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. user_id (str): User id to set display name for. avatar_url (str): matrix content URI of the avatar to set. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} content = {"avatar_url": avatar_url} path = ["profile", user_id, "avatar_url"] return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_presence(access_token: str, user_id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get the given user's presence state. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. user_id (str): User id whose presence state to get. """ path = ["presence", user_id, "status"] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_presence( access_token: str, user_id: str, presence: str, status_msg: Optional[str] = None ): """This API sets the given user's presence state. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. user_id (str): User id whose presence state to get. presence (str): The new presence state. status_msg (str, optional): The status message to attach to this state. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} content = {"presence": presence} if status_msg: content["status_msg"] = status_msg path = ["presence", user_id, "status"] return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def whoami(access_token: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get information about the owner of a given access token. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["account", "whoami"] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def room_context( access_token: str, room_id: str, event_id: str, limit: Optional[int] = None ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Fetch a number of events that happened before and after an event. This allows clients to get the context surrounding an event. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. room_id (str): The room_id of the room that contains the event and its context. event_id (str): The event_id of the event that we wish to get the context for. limit(int, optional): The maximum number of events to request. """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} if limit: query_parameters["limit"] = limit path = ["rooms", room_id, "context", event_id] return "GET", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def upload_filter( access_token: str, user_id: str, event_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, event_format: EventFormat = EventFormat.client, presence: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, account_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, room: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Upload a new filter definition to the homeserver. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. user_id (str): ID of the user uploading the filter. event_fields (Optional[List[str]]): List of event fields to include. If this list is absent then all fields are included. The entries may include '.' characters to indicate sub-fields. A literal '.' character in a field name may be escaped using a '\'. event_format (EventFormat): The format to use for events. presence (Dict[str, Any]): The presence updates to include. The dict corresponds to the `EventFilter` type described in account_data (Dict[str, Any]): The user account data that isn't associated with rooms to include. The dict corresponds to the `EventFilter` type described in room (Dict[str, Any]): Filters to be applied to room data. The dict corresponds to the `RoomFilter` type described in """ path = ["user", user_id, "filter"] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} content = { "event_fields": event_fields, "event_format": event_format.value, "presence": presence, "account_data": account_data, "room": room, } content = {k: v for k, v in content.items() if v is not None} return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_openid_token(access_token: str, user_id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Gets an OpenID token object that the requester may supply to another service to verify their identity in matrix. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. user_id (str): The user who requested the OpenID token """ path = ["user", user_id, "openid", "request_token"] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} return "POST", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_pushrule( access_token: str, scope: str, kind: PushRuleKind, rule_id: str, before: Optional[str] = None, after: Optional[str] = None, actions: Sequence[PushAction] = (), conditions: Optional[Sequence[PushCondition]] = None, pattern: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Create or modify an existing user-created push rule. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. scope (str): The scope of this rule, e.g. ``"global"``. Homeservers currently only process ``global`` rules for event matching, while ``device`` rules are a planned feature. It is up to clients to interpret any other scope name. kind (PushRuleKind): The kind of rule. rule_id (str): The identifier of the rule. Must be unique within its scope and kind. For rules of ``room`` kind, this is the room ID to match for. For rules of ``sender`` kind, this is the user ID to match. before (Optional[str]): Position this rule before the one matching the given rule ID. The rule ID cannot belong to a predefined server rule. ``before`` and ``after`` cannot be both specified. after (Optional[str]): Position this rule after the one matching the given rule ID. The rule ID cannot belong to a predefined server rule. ``before`` and ``after`` cannot be both specified. actions (Sequence[PushAction]): Actions to perform when the conditions for this rule are met. The given actions replace the existing ones. conditions (Sequence[PushCondition]): Event conditions that must hold true for the rule to apply to that event. A rule with no conditions always hold true. Only applicable to ``underride`` and ``override`` rules. pattern (Optional[str]): Glob-style pattern to match against for the event's content. Only applicable to ``content`` rules. """ path = ["pushrules", scope, kind.value, rule_id] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} content: Dict[str, Any] = {"actions": [a.as_value for a in actions]} if before is not None and after is not None: raise TypeError("before and after cannot be both specified") elif before is not None: query_parameters["before"] = before elif after is not None: query_parameters["after"] = after if pattern is not None: if kind != PushRuleKind.content: raise TypeError("pattern can only be set for content rules") content["pattern"] = pattern if conditions is not None: if kind not in (PushRuleKind.override, PushRuleKind.underride): raise TypeError( "conditions can only be set for override/underride rules", ) content["conditions"] = [c.as_value for c in conditions] return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_pushrule( access_token: str, scope: str, kind: PushRuleKind, rule_id: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Delete an existing user-created push rule. Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. scope (str): The scope of this rule, e.g. ``"global"``. kind (PushRuleKind): The kind of rule. rule_id (str): The identifier of the rule. Must be unique within its scope and kind. """ path = ["pushrules", scope, kind.value, rule_id] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} return "DELETE", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def enable_pushrule( access_token: str, scope: str, kind: PushRuleKind, rule_id: str, enable: bool, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Enable or disable an existing built-in or user-created push rule. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. scope (str): The scope of this rule, e.g. ``"global"``. kind (PushRuleKind): The kind of rule. rule_id (str): The identifier of the rule. Must be unique within its scope and kind. enable (bool): Whether to enable or disable the rule. """ path = ["pushrules", scope, kind.value, rule_id, "enabled"] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} content = {"enabled": enable} return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_pushrule_actions( access_token: str, scope: str, kind: PushRuleKind, rule_id: str, actions: Sequence[PushAction], ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Set the actions for an existing built-in or user-created push rule. Unlike ``set_pushrule``, this method can edit built-in server rules. Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. scope (str): The scope of this rule, e.g. ``"global"``. kind (PushRuleKind): The kind of rule. rule_id (str): The identifier of the rule. Must be unique within its scope and kind. actions (Sequence[PushAction]): Actions to perform when the conditions for this rule are met. The given actions replace the existing ones. """ path = ["pushrules", scope, kind.value, rule_id, "actions"] query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} content = {"actions": [a.as_value for a in actions]} return "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content)
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_room_alias(access_token: str, alias: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Delete a room alias Returns the HTTP method and HTTP path for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. alias (str): The room alias """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["directory", "room", alias] return "DELETE", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def put_room_alias( access_token: str, alias: str, room_id: str ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Add an room alias Returns the HTTP method, HTTP path and data for the request. Args: access_token (str): The access token to be used with the request. alias (str): The room alias room_id (str): The room to point to """ query_parameters = {"access_token": access_token} path = ["directory", "room", alias] content = {} content["room_id"] = room_id return ( "PUT", Api._build_path(path, query_parameters), Api.to_json(content), )