Source code for

# Copyright © 2018-2019 Damir Jelić <>
# Copyright © 2021 Famedly GmbH
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for
# any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the
# above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

from __future__ import annotations

import time
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from ..event_builders import RoomKeyRequestMessage
from ..schemas import Schemas
from .misc import BadEvent, BadEventType, UnknownBadEvent, validate_or_badevent, verify

[docs] @dataclass class Event: """Matrix Event class. This is the base event class, most events inherit from this class. Attributes: source (dict): The source dictionary of the event. This allows access to all the event fields in a non-secure way. event_id (str): A globally unique event identifier. sender (str): The fully-qualified ID of the user who sent this event. server_timestamp (int): Timestamp in milliseconds on originating homeserver when this event was sent. decrypted (bool): A flag signaling if the event was decrypted. verified (bool): A flag signaling if the event is verified, is True if the event was sent from a verified device. sender_key (str, optional): The public key of the sender that was used to establish the encrypted session. Is only set if decrypted is True, otherwise None. session_id (str, optional): The unique identifier of the session that was used to decrypt the message. Is only set if decrypted is True, otherwise None. transaction_id (str, optional): The unique identifier that was used when the message was sent. Is only set if the message was sent from our own device, otherwise None. """ source: Dict[str, Any] = field() event_id: str = field(init=False) sender: str = field(init=False) server_timestamp: int = field(init=False) decrypted: bool = field(default=False, init=False) verified: bool = field(default=False, init=False) sender_key: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) session_id: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) transaction_id: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False) def __post_init__(self): self.event_id = self.source["event_id"] self.sender = self.source["sender"] self.server_timestamp = self.source["origin_server_ts"]
[docs] def flattened( self, _prefix: str = "", _source: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, _flat: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a flattened version of the ``source`` dict with dotted keys. Example: >>> event.source {"content": {"body": "foo"}, "m.test": {"key": "bar"}} >>> event.source.flattened() {"content.body": "foo", "m.test.key": "bar"} """ source = self.source if _source is None else _source flat = {} if _flat is None else _flat for key, value in source.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): self.flattened(f"{_prefix}{key}.", value, flat) else: flat[f"{_prefix}{key}"] = value return flat
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Union[Event, BadEventType]: """Create an Event from a dictionary. Args: parsed_dict (dict): The dictionary representation of the event. """ return cls(parsed_dict)
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_event) def parse_event(cls, event_dict: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Union[Event, BadEventType]: """Parse a Matrix event and create a higher level event object. This function parses the type of the Matrix event and produces a higher level event object representing the parsed event. The event structure is checked for correctness and the event fields are type-checked. If this validation process fails for an event an BadEvent will be produced. If the type of the event is now known an UnknownEvent will be produced. Args: event_dict (dict): The dictionary representation of the event. """ if "unsigned" in event_dict: if "redacted_because" in event_dict["unsigned"]: return RedactedEvent.from_dict(event_dict) if event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomMessage.parse_event(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomCreateEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomGuestAccessEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomJoinRulesEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomHistoryVisibilityEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomMemberEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomAliasEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomNameEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomTopicEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomAvatarEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return PowerLevelsEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomEncryptionEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RedactionEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomUpgradeEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomSpaceParentEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomSpaceChildEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": return Event.parse_encrypted_event(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "m.sticker": return StickerEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "m.reaction": return ReactionEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"].startswith(""): return CallEvent.parse_event(event_dict) return UnknownEvent.from_dict(event_dict)
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_encrypted) def parse_encrypted_event(cls, event_dict): """Parse an encrypted event. Encrypted events may have different fields depending on the algorithm that was used to encrypt them. This function checks the algorithm of the event and produces a higher level event from the provided dictionary. Args: event_dict (dict): The dictionary representation of the encrypted event. Returns None if the algorithm of the event is unknown. """ content = event_dict["content"] if content["algorithm"] == "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2": return MegolmEvent.from_dict(event_dict) return UnknownEncryptedEvent.from_dict(event_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_decrypted_event( cls, event_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[Event, BadEventType]: """Parse a decrypted event and create a higher level event object. Args: event_dict (dict): The dictionary representation of the event. """ if "unsigned" in event_dict: if "redacted_because" in event_dict["unsigned"]: return RedactedEvent.from_dict(event_dict) # Events shouldn't be encrypted twice, this would lead to a loop in the # parser path. if event_dict["type"] == "": try: return BadEvent.from_dict(event_dict) except KeyError: return UnknownBadEvent(event_dict) if event_dict["type"] == "": return RoomMessage.parse_decrypted_event(event_dict) return Event.parse_event(event_dict)
[docs] @dataclass class UnknownEvent(Event): """An Event which we do not understand. This event is created every time nio tries to parse an event of an unknown type. Since custom and extensible events are a feature of Matrix this allows clients to use custom events but care should be taken that the clients will be responsible to validate and type check the event. Attributes: type (str): The type of the event. """ type: str = field()
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, event_dict): return cls( event_dict, event_dict["type"], )
[docs] @dataclass class UnknownEncryptedEvent(Event): """An encrypted event which we don't know how to decrypt. This event is created every time nio tries to parse an event encrypted event that was encrypted using an unknown algorithm. Attributes: type (str): The type of the event. algorithm (str): The algorithm of the event. """ type: str = field() algorithm: str = field()
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, event_dict): return cls( event_dict, event_dict["type"], event_dict["content"]["algorithm"], )
[docs] @dataclass class MegolmEvent(Event): """An undecrypted Megolm event. MegolmEvents are presented to library users only if the library fails to decrypt the event because of a missing session key. MegolmEvents can be stored for later use. If a RoomKeyEvent is later on received with a session id that matches the session_id of this event decryption can be retried. Attributes: event_id (str): A globally unique event identifier. sender (str): The fully-qualified ID of the user who sent this event. server_timestamp (int): Timestamp in milliseconds on originating homeserver when this event was sent. sender_key (str): The public key of the sender that was used to establish the encrypted session. Is only set if decrypted is True, otherwise None. device_id (str): The unique identifier of the device that was used to encrypt the event. session_id (str): The unique identifier of the session that was used to encrypt the message. ciphertext (str): The undecrypted ciphertext of the event. algorithm (str): The encryption algorithm that was used to encrypt the message. room_id (str): The unique identifier of the room in which the message was sent. transaction_id (str, optional): The unique identifier that was used when the message was sent. Is only set if the message was sent from our own device, otherwise None. """ device_id: str = field() ciphertext: str = field() algorithm: str = field() room_id: str = ""
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_megolm_encrypted) def from_dict(cls, event_dict): """Create a MegolmEvent from a dictionary. Args: event_dict (Dict): Dictionary containing the event. Returns a MegolmEvent if the event_dict contains a valid event or a BadEvent if it's invalid. """ content = event_dict["content"] ciphertext = content["ciphertext"] sender_key = content["sender_key"] session_id = content["session_id"] device_id = content["device_id"] algorithm = content["algorithm"] room_id = event_dict.get("room_id", None) tx_id = ( event_dict["unsigned"].get("transaction_id", None) if "unsigned" in event_dict else None ) event = cls( event_dict, device_id, ciphertext, algorithm, room_id, ) event.sender_key = sender_key event.session_id = session_id event.transaction_id = tx_id return event
[docs] def as_key_request( self, user_id: str, requesting_device_id: str, request_id: Optional[str] = None, device_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> RoomKeyRequestMessage: """Make a to-device message for a room key request. MegolmEvents are presented to library users only if the library fails to decrypt the event because of a missing session key. A missing key can be requested later on by sending a key request, this method creates a ToDeviceMessage that can be sent out if such a request should be made. Args: user_id (str): The user id of the user that should receive the key request. requesting_device_id (str): The device id of the user that is requesting the key. request_id (str, optional): A unique string identifying the request. Defaults to the session id of the missing megolm session. device_id (str, optional): The device id of the device that should receive the request. Defaults to all the users devices. """ assert self.session_id request_id = request_id or self.session_id content = { "action": "request", "body": { "algorithm": self.algorithm, "session_id": self.session_id, "room_id": self.room_id, "sender_key": self.sender_key, }, "request_id": request_id, "requesting_device_id": requesting_device_id, } return RoomKeyRequestMessage( "m.room_key_request", user_id, device_id or "*", content, request_id, self.session_id, self.room_id, self.algorithm, )
[docs] @dataclass class CallEvent(Event): """Base Class for Matrix call signalling events. Attributes: call_id (str): The unique identifier of the call. version (int): The version of the VoIP specification this message adheres to. """ call_id: str = field() version: int = field()
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_event(event_dict): """Parse a Matrix event and create a higher level event object. This function parses the type of the Matrix event and produces a higher level CallEvent object representing the parsed event. The event structure is checked for correctness and the event fields are type checked. If this validation process fails for an event an BadEvent will be produced. If the type of the event is now known an UnknownEvent will be produced. Args: event_dict (dict): The raw matrix event dictionary. """ if event_dict["type"] == "": event = CallCandidatesEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": event = CallInviteEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": event = CallAnswerEvent.from_dict(event_dict) elif event_dict["type"] == "": event = CallHangupEvent.from_dict(event_dict) else: event = UnknownEvent.from_dict(event_dict) return event
[docs] @dataclass class CallCandidatesEvent(CallEvent): """Call event holding additional VoIP ICE candidates. This event is sent by callers after sending an invite and by the callee after answering. Its purpose is to give the other party additional ICE candidates to try using to communicate. Args: candidates (list): A list of dictionaries describing the candidates. """ candidates: List[Dict[str, Any]] = field()
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.call_candidates) def from_dict(cls, event_dict): content = event_dict.get("content", {}) return cls( event_dict, content["call_id"], content["version"], content["candidates"], )
[docs] @dataclass class CallInviteEvent(CallEvent): """Event representing an invitation to a VoIP call. This event is sent by a caller when they wish to establish a call. Attributes: lifetime (integer): The time in milliseconds that the invite is valid for. offer (dict): The session description object. A dictionary containing the keys "type" which must be "offer" for this event and "sdp" which contains the SDP text of the session description. """ lifetime: int = field() offer: Dict[str, Any] = field() @property def expired(self): """Property marking if the invite event expired.""" now = time.time() return now - (self.server_timestamp / 1000) > (self.lifetime / 1000)
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.call_invite) def from_dict(cls, event_dict): content = event_dict.get("content", {}) return cls( event_dict, content["call_id"], content["version"], content["lifetime"], content["offer"], )
[docs] @dataclass class CallAnswerEvent(CallEvent): """Event representing the answer to a VoIP call. This event is sent by the callee when they wish to answer the call. Attributes: answer (dict): The session description object. A dictionary containing the keys "type" which must be "answer" for this event and "sdp" which contains the SDP text of the session description. """ answer: Dict[str, Any] = field()
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.call_answer) def from_dict(cls, event_dict): content = event_dict.get("content", {}) return cls( event_dict, content["call_id"], content["version"], content["answer"], )
[docs] @dataclass class CallHangupEvent(CallEvent): """An event representing the end of a VoIP call. Sent by either party to signal their termination of the call. This can be sent either once the call has has been established or before to abort the call. """
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.call_hangup) def from_dict(cls, event_dict): content = event_dict.get("content", {}) return cls( event_dict, content["call_id"], content["version"], )
[docs] @dataclass class RedactedEvent(Event): """An event that has been redacted. Attributes: type (str): The type of the event that has been redacted. redacter (str): The fully-qualified ID of the user who redacted the event. reason (str, optional): A string describing why the event was redacted, can be None. """ type: str = field() redacter: str = field() reason: Optional[str] = field() def __str__(self): reason = f", reason: {self.reason}" if self.reason else "" return f"Redacted event of type {self.type}, by {self.redacter}{reason}." @property def event_type(self): """Type of the event.""" return self.type
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.redacted_event) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RedactedEvent, BadEventType]: redacter = parsed_dict["unsigned"]["redacted_because"]["sender"] content_dict = parsed_dict["unsigned"]["redacted_because"]["content"] reason = content_dict.get("reason", None) return cls( parsed_dict, parsed_dict["type"], redacter, reason, )
[docs] @dataclass class RoomEncryptionEvent(Event): """An event signaling that encryption has been enabled in a room."""
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_encryption) def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict): return cls(parsed_dict)
[docs] @dataclass class RoomCreateEvent(Event): """The first event in a room, signaling that the room was created. Attributes: federate (bool): A boolean flag telling us whether users on other homeservers are able to join this room. room_version (str): The version of the room. Different room versions will have different event formats. Clients shouldn't worry about this too much unless they want to perform room upgrades. room_type (str): The type of the room. In spec v1.2 the following room types are specified: - `` Unspecified room types are permitted through the use of Namespaced Identifiers. """ federate: bool = True room_version: str = "1" room_type: str = ""
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_create) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RoomCreateEvent, BadEventType]: federate = parsed_dict["content"]["m.federate"] version = parsed_dict["content"]["room_version"] if "type" in parsed_dict["content"]: room_type = parsed_dict["content"]["type"] return cls(parsed_dict, federate, version, room_type)
[docs] @dataclass class RoomGuestAccessEvent(Event): """Event signaling whether guest users are allowed to join rooms. Attributes: guest_access (str): A string describing the guest access policy of the room. Can be one of "can_join" or "forbidden". """ guest_access: str = "forbidden"
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_guest_access) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RoomGuestAccessEvent, BadEventType]: guest_access = parsed_dict["content"]["guest_access"] return cls(parsed_dict, guest_access)
[docs] @dataclass class RoomJoinRulesEvent(Event): """An event telling us how users can join the room. Attributes: join_rule (str): A string telling us how users may join the room, can be one of "public" meaning anyone can join the room without any restrictions or "invite" meaning users can only join if they have been previously invited. """ join_rule: str = "invite"
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_join_rules) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RoomJoinRulesEvent, BadEventType]: join_rule = parsed_dict["content"]["join_rule"] return cls(parsed_dict, join_rule)
[docs] @dataclass class RoomHistoryVisibilityEvent(Event): """An event telling whether users can read the room history. Room history visibility can be set up in multiple ways in Matrix: * world_readable All events value may be shared by any participating homeserver with anyone, regardless of whether they have ever joined the room. * shared Previous events are always accessible to newly joined members. All events in the room are accessible, even those sent when the member was not a part of the room. * invited Events are accessible to newly joined members from the point they were invited onwards. Events stop being accessible when the member's state changes to something other than invite or join. * joined Events are only accessible to members from the point on they joined to the room and stop being accessible when they aren't joined anymore. Attributes: history_visibility (str): A string describing who can read the room history. One of "invited", "joined", "shared", "world_readable". """ history_visibility: str = "shared"
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_history_visibility) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any], ) -> Union[RoomHistoryVisibilityEvent, BadEventType]: history_visibility = parsed_dict["content"]["history_visibility"] return cls(parsed_dict, history_visibility)
[docs] @dataclass class RoomAliasEvent(Event): """An event informing us about which alias should be preferred. Attributes: canonical_alias (str): The alias that is considered canonical. """ canonical_alias: Optional[str] = field()
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_canonical_alias) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RoomAliasEvent, BadEventType]: canonical_alias = parsed_dict["content"].get("alias") return cls(parsed_dict, canonical_alias)
[docs] @dataclass class RoomNameEvent(Event): """Event holding the name of the room. The room name is a human-friendly string designed to be displayed to the end-user. The room name is not unique, as multiple rooms can have the same room name set. Attributes: name (str): The name of the room. """ name: str = field()
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_name) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RoomNameEvent, BadEventType]: room_name = parsed_dict["content"]["name"] return cls(parsed_dict, room_name)
[docs] @dataclass class RoomTopicEvent(Event): """Event holding the topic of a room. A topic is a short message detailing what is currently being discussed in the room. It can also be used as a way to display extra information about the room, which may not be suitable for the room name. Attributes: topic (str): The topic of the room. """ topic: str = field()
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_topic) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RoomTopicEvent, BadEventType]: canonical_alias = parsed_dict["content"]["topic"] return cls(parsed_dict, canonical_alias)
[docs] @dataclass class RoomAvatarEvent(Event): """Event holding a picture that is associated with the room. Attributes: avatar_url (str): The URL to the picture. """ avatar_url: Optional[str] = field()
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_avatar) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RoomAvatarEvent, BadEventType]: room_avatar_url = parsed_dict["content"].get("url") return cls(parsed_dict, room_avatar_url)
[docs] @dataclass class RoomSpaceParentEvent(Event): """Event holding the parent space of a room. Attributes: state_key (str): The parent space's room """ state_key: str = field() canonical: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_space_parent) def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict): content_dict = parsed_dict["content"] return cls( parsed_dict, parsed_dict["state_key"], content_dict.get("canonical", False) )
[docs] @dataclass class RoomSpaceChildEvent(Event): """Event holding the child rooms of a space. Attributes: state_key (str): The child room of a space """ state_key: str = field() suggested: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_space_child) def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict): content_dict = parsed_dict["content"] return cls( parsed_dict, parsed_dict["state_key"], content_dict.get("suggested", False) )
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMessage(Event): """Abstract room message class. This class corespondents to a Matrix event of the type. It is used when messages are sent to the room. The class has one child class per msgtype. """
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_message) def parse_event( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RoomMessage, BadEventType]: content_dict = parsed_dict["content"] if content_dict["msgtype"] == "m.text": event = RoomMessageText.from_dict(parsed_dict) elif content_dict["msgtype"] == "m.emote": event = RoomMessageEmote.from_dict(parsed_dict) elif content_dict["msgtype"] == "m.notice": event = RoomMessageNotice.from_dict(parsed_dict) elif content_dict["msgtype"] == "m.image": event = RoomMessageImage.from_dict(parsed_dict) elif content_dict["msgtype"] == "": event = RoomMessageAudio.from_dict(parsed_dict) elif content_dict["msgtype"] == "": event = RoomMessageVideo.from_dict(parsed_dict) elif content_dict["msgtype"] == "m.file": event = RoomMessageFile.from_dict(parsed_dict) else: event = RoomMessageUnknown.from_dict(parsed_dict) if "unsigned" in parsed_dict: txn_id = parsed_dict["unsigned"].get("transaction_id", None) event.transaction_id = txn_id return event
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_message) def parse_decrypted_event( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RoomMessage, BadEventType]: msgtype = parsed_dict["content"]["msgtype"] if msgtype == "m.image": event = RoomEncryptedImage.from_dict(parsed_dict) elif msgtype == "": event = RoomEncryptedAudio.from_dict(parsed_dict) elif msgtype == "": event = RoomEncryptedVideo.from_dict(parsed_dict) elif msgtype == "m.file": event = RoomEncryptedFile.from_dict(parsed_dict) else: event = RoomMessage.parse_event(parsed_dict) if "unsigned" in parsed_dict: txn_id = parsed_dict["unsigned"].get("transaction_id", None) event.transaction_id = txn_id return event
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMessageMedia(RoomMessage): """Base class for room messages containing a URI. Attributes: url (str): The URL of the file. body (str): The description of the message. """ url: str = field() body: str = field()
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_message_media) def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict): return cls( parsed_dict, parsed_dict["content"]["url"], parsed_dict["content"]["body"], )
[docs] @dataclass class RoomEncryptedMedia(RoomMessage): """Base class for encrypted room messages containing an URI. Attributes: url (str): The URL of the file. body (str): The description of the message. key (dict): The key that can be used to decrypt the file. hashes (dict): A mapping from an algorithm name to a hash of the ciphertext encoded as base64. iv (str): The initialisation vector that was used to encrypt the file. mimetype (str, optional): The mimetype of the message. thumbnail_url (str, optional): The URL of the thumbnail file. thumbnail_key (dict, optional): The key that can be used to decrypt the thumbnail file. thumbnail_hashes (dict, optional): A mapping from an algorithm name to a hash of the thumbnail ciphertext encoded as base64. thumbnail_iv (str, optional): The initialisation vector that was used to encrypt the thumbnail file. """ url: str = field() body: str = field() key: Dict[str, Any] = field() hashes: Dict[str, Any] = field() iv: str = field() mimetype: str = field() thumbnail_url: Optional[str] = None thumbnail_key: Optional[Dict] = None thumbnail_hashes: Optional[Dict] = None thumbnail_iv: Optional[str] = None
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_encrypted_media) def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict): info = parsed_dict["content"].get("info", {}) thumbnail_file = info.get("thumbnail_file", {}) thumbnail_url = thumbnail_file.get("url") thumbnail_key = thumbnail_file.get("key") thumbnail_hashes = thumbnail_file.get("hashes") thumbnail_iv = thumbnail_file.get("iv") mimetype = info.get("mimetype") or parsed_dict["content"]["file"].get( "mimetype" ) return cls( parsed_dict, parsed_dict["content"]["file"]["url"], parsed_dict["content"]["body"], parsed_dict["content"]["file"]["key"], parsed_dict["content"]["file"]["hashes"], parsed_dict["content"]["file"]["iv"], mimetype, thumbnail_url, thumbnail_key, thumbnail_hashes, thumbnail_iv, )
[docs] @dataclass class RoomEncryptedImage(RoomEncryptedMedia): """A room message containing an image where the file is encrypted."""
[docs] @dataclass class RoomEncryptedAudio(RoomEncryptedMedia): """A room message containing an audio clip where the file is encrypted."""
[docs] @dataclass class RoomEncryptedVideo(RoomEncryptedMedia): """A room message containing a video clip where the file is encrypted."""
[docs] @dataclass class RoomEncryptedFile(RoomEncryptedMedia): """A room message containing a generic encrypted file."""
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMessageImage(RoomMessageMedia): """A room message containing an image."""
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMessageAudio(RoomMessageMedia): """A room message containing an audio clip."""
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMessageVideo(RoomMessageMedia): """A room message containing a video clip."""
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMessageFile(RoomMessageMedia): """A room message containing a generic file."""
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMessageUnknown(RoomMessage): """A which we do not understand. This event is created every time nio tries to parse a room message of an unknown msgtype. Since custom and extensible events are a feature of Matrix this allows clients to use custom messages but care should be taken that the clients will be responsible to validate and type check the content of the message. Attributes: msgtype (str): The msgtype of the room message. content (dict): The dictionary holding the content of the room message. The keys and values of this dictionary will differ depending on the msgtype. """ msgtype: str = field() content: Dict[str, Any] = field()
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any]) -> RoomMessage: return cls( parsed_dict, parsed_dict["content"]["msgtype"], parsed_dict.get("content", {}), )
@property def type(self): """Get the msgtype of the room message.""" return self.msgtype
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMessageFormatted(RoomMessage): """Base abstract class for room messages that can have formatted bodies. Attributes: body (str): The textual body of the message. formatted_body (str, optional): The formatted version of the body. Can be None if the message doesn't contain a formatted version of the body. format (str, optional): The format used in the formatted_body. This specifies how the formatted_body should be interpreted. """ body: str = field() formatted_body: Optional[str] = field() format: Optional[str] = field() def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.sender}: {self.body}" @staticmethod def _validate(parsed_dict): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Union[RoomMessage, BadEventType]: bad = cls._validate(parsed_dict) if bad: return bad body = parsed_dict["content"]["body"] body_format = parsed_dict["content"].get("format") # Only try to find the formatted body if the format is specified. It is # required by the spec to have both or none specified. if body_format: formatted_body = parsed_dict["content"].get("formatted_body") else: formatted_body = None return cls( parsed_dict, body, formatted_body, body_format, )
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMessageText(RoomMessageFormatted): """A room message corresponding to the m.text msgtype. This message is the most basic message and is used to represent text. Attributes: body (str): The textual body of the message. formatted_body (str, optional): The formatted version of the body. Can be None if the message doesn't contain a formatted version of the body. format (str, optional): The format used in the formatted_body. This specifies how the formatted_body should be interpreted. """ @staticmethod def _validate(parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Optional[BadEventType]: return validate_or_badevent(parsed_dict, Schemas.room_message_text)
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMessageEmote(RoomMessageFormatted): """A room message corresponding to the m.emote msgtype. This message is similar to m.text except that the sender is 'performing' the action contained in the body key, similar to /me in IRC. Attributes: body (str): The textual body of the message. formatted_body (str, optional): The formatted version of the body. Can be None if the message doesn't contain a formatted version of the body. format (str, optional): The format used in the formatted_body. This specifies how the formatted_body should be interpreted. """ @staticmethod def _validate(parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Optional[BadEventType]: return validate_or_badevent(parsed_dict, Schemas.room_message_emote)
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMessageNotice(RoomMessageFormatted): """A room message corresponding to the m.notice msgtype. Room notices are primarily intended for responses from automated clients. Attributes: body (str): The textual body of the notice. formatted_body (str, optional): The formatted version of the notice body. Can be None if the message doesn't contain a formatted version of the body. format (str, optional): The format used in the formatted_body. This specifies how the formatted_body should be interpreted. """ @staticmethod def _validate(parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Optional[BadEventType]: return validate_or_badevent(parsed_dict, Schemas.room_message_notice)
[docs] @dataclass class DefaultLevels: """Class holding information about default power levels of a room. Attributes: ban (int): The level required to ban a user. invite (int): The level required to invite a user. kick (int): The level required to kick a user. redact (int): The level required to redact events. state_default (int): The level required to send state events. This can be overridden by the events power level mapping. events_default (int): The level required to send message events. This can be overridden by the events power level mapping. users_default (int): The default power level for every user in the room. This can be overridden by the users power level mapping. notifications (Dict[str, int]): The level required to send different kinds of notifications. Used for ``sender_notification_permission`` conditions in push rules. """ ban: int = 50 invite: int = 50 kick: int = 50 redact: int = 50 state_default: int = 0 events_default: int = 0 users_default: int = 0 notifications: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=lambda: {"room": 50})
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict): """Create a DefaultLevels object from a dictionary. This creates the DefaultLevels object from a dictionary containing a event. The event structure isn't checked in this method. This shouldn't be used directly, the `PowerLevelsEvent` method will call this method to construct the DefaultLevels object. """ content = parsed_dict["content"] return cls( content["ban"], content["invite"], content["kick"], content["redact"], content["state_default"], content["events_default"], content["users_default"], content["notifications"], )
[docs] @dataclass class PowerLevels: """Class holding information of room power levels. Attributes: defaults (DefaultLevels): The default power levels of the room. users (dict): The power levels for specific users. This is a mapping from user_id to power level for that user. events (dict): The level required to send specific event types. This is a mapping from event type to power level required. """ defaults: DefaultLevels = field(default_factory=DefaultLevels) users: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict) events: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def get_state_event_required_level(self, event_type: str) -> int: """Get required power level to send a certain type of state event. Returns an integer representing the required power level. Args: event_type (str): The type of matrix state event we want the required level for, e.g. `` or ``. """ return, self.defaults.state_default)
[docs] def get_message_event_required_level(self, event_type: str) -> int: """Get required power level to send a certain type of message event. Returns an integer representing the required power level. Args: event_type (str): The type of matrix message event we want the required level for, e.g. ``. """ return, self.defaults.events_default)
[docs] def get_notification_required_level(self, notification_type: str) -> int: """Get required power level to send a certain type of notification. Returns an integer representing the required power level. Args: notification_type (str): The type of notification to get the required level for, e.g. ``"room"``. """ return self.defaults.notifications.get(notification_type, 50)
[docs] def get_user_level(self, user_id: str) -> int: """Get the power level of a user. Returns an integer representing the user's power level. Args: user_id (str): The fully-qualified ID of the user for whom we would like to get the power level. """ return self.users.get(user_id, self.defaults.users_default)
[docs] def can_user_send_state(self, user_id: str, event_type: str) -> bool: """Return whether a user has enough power to send certain state events. Args: user_id (str): The user to check the power of. event_type (str): The type of matrix state event to check the required power of, e.g. ``. """ required_level = self.get_state_event_required_level(event_type) return self.get_user_level(user_id) >= required_level
[docs] def can_user_send_message( self, user_id: str, event_type: str = "" ) -> bool: """ Return whether a user has enough power to send certain message events. Args: user_id (str): The user to check the power of. event_type (str): The type of matrix message event to check the required power of, `` by default. """ required_level = self.get_message_event_required_level(event_type) return self.get_user_level(user_id) >= required_level
[docs] def can_user_invite(self, user_id: str) -> bool: """Return whether a user has enough power to invite others.""" return self.get_user_level(user_id) >= self.defaults.invite
[docs] def can_user_kick( self, user_id: str, target_user_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> bool: """Return whether a user has enough power to kick another. If ``target_user_id`` is ``None``, returns whether ``user_id`` has enough power to kick anyone with a lower power level than that user. """ level = self.get_user_level(user_id) can_kick_lower = level >= self.defaults.kick if target_user_id is None: return can_kick_lower return can_kick_lower and level > self.get_user_level(target_user_id)
[docs] def can_user_ban( self, user_id: str, target_user_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> bool: """Return whether a user has enough power to ban another. If ``target_user_id`` is ``None``, returns whether ``user_id`` has enough power to ban anyone with a lower power level than that user. """ level = self.get_user_level(user_id) can_ban_lower = level >= self.defaults.ban if target_user_id is None: return can_ban_lower return can_ban_lower and level > self.get_user_level(target_user_id)
[docs] def can_user_redact(self, user_id: str): """Return whether a user has enough power to redact other user's events.""" return self.get_user_level(user_id) >= self.defaults.redact
[docs] def can_user_notify(self, user_id: str, notification_type: str): """Return whether user has enough power to send a type of notification.""" required = self.get_notification_required_level(notification_type) return self.get_user_level(user_id) >= required
[docs] def update(self, new_levels): """Update the power levels object with new levels. Args: new_levels (PowerLevels): A new PowerLevels object that we received from a newer PowerLevelsEvent. """ if not isinstance(new_levels, PowerLevels): return self.defaults = new_levels.defaults self.users.update(new_levels.users)
[docs] @dataclass class PowerLevelsEvent(Event): """Class representing a event. This event specifies the minimum level a user must have in order to perform a certain action. It also specifies the levels of each user in the room. Attributes: power_levels (PowerLevels): The PowerLevels object holding information of the power levels of the room. """ power_levels: PowerLevels = field()
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_power_levels) def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict): default_levels = DefaultLevels.from_dict(parsed_dict) users = parsed_dict["content"].get("users", {}) events = parsed_dict["content"].get("events", {}) levels = PowerLevels(default_levels, users, events) return cls( parsed_dict, levels, )
[docs] @dataclass class RedactionEvent(Event): """An event signaling that another event has been redacted. Events can be redacted by either room or server administrators. Redacting an event means that all keys not required by the protocol are stripped off. Attributes: redacts (str): The event id of the event that has been redacted. reason (str, optional): A string describing why the event was redacted, can be None. """ redacts: str = field() reason: Optional[str] = None
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_redaction) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RedactionEvent, BadEventType]: content = parsed_dict.get("content", {}) reason = content.get("reason", None) return cls( parsed_dict, parsed_dict["redacts"], reason, )
[docs] @dataclass class RoomMemberEvent(Event): """Class representing to an event. Attributes: state_key (str): The user_id this membership event relates to. In all cases except for when membership is join, the user ID in the sender attribute does not need to match the user ID in the state_key. membership (str): The membership state of the user. One of "invite", "join", "leave", "ban", "knock". prev_membership (str, optional): The previous membership state that this one is overwriting. Can be None in which case the membership state is assumed to have been "leave". content (dict): The content of the of the membership event. prev_content(dict, optional): The content of a previous membership event that this one is overwriting. """ state_key: str = field() membership: str = field() prev_membership: Optional[str] = field() content: Dict[str, Any] = field() prev_content: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_membership) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[RoomMemberEvent, BadEventType]: content = parsed_dict.get("content", {}) unsigned = parsed_dict.get("unsigned", {}) prev_content = unsigned.get("prev_content", None) membership = content["membership"] prev_membership = prev_content.get("membership") if prev_content else None return cls( parsed_dict, parsed_dict["state_key"], membership, prev_membership, content, prev_content, )
[docs] @dataclass class StickerEvent(Event): """An event indicating the use of a sticker Sticker messages are specialised image messages that are displayed without controls. Sticker messages are intended to provide simple "reaction" events in the message timeline. Attributes: body (str): A textual representation or associated description of the sticker image. This could be the alt text of the original image, or a message to accompany and further describe the sticker. url (str): The URL to the sticker image. content (dict): The content of the of the redaction event. """ body: str = field() url: str = field() content: Dict[str, Any] = field()
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.sticker) def from_dict( cls, parsed_dict: Dict[Any, Any] ) -> Union[StickerEvent, BadEventType]: content = parsed_dict.get("content", {}) body = content["body"] url = content["url"] return cls( parsed_dict, body, url, content, )
[docs] @dataclass class ReactionEvent(Event): """An event representing an m.reaction event. Users sometimes wish to respond to a message using emojis. When such responses are grouped visually below the message being reacted to, this provides a (visually) lightweight way for users to react to messages. Attributes: reacts_to (str): The event_id of the message the reaction relates to. key (str): The actual reaction/emoji. """ reacts_to: str = field() key: str = field()
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.reaction) def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict): content = parsed_dict["content"]["m.relates_to"] return cls( parsed_dict, content["event_id"], content["key"], )
[docs] @dataclass class RoomUpgradeEvent(Event): """Class representing to an event. A state event signifying that a room has been upgraded to a different room version, and that clients should go there. Attributes: body (str): A server-defined message. replacement_room (str): The new room the client should be visiting. """ body: str = field() replacement_room: str = field()
[docs] @classmethod @verify(Schemas.room_tombstone) def from_dict(cls, parsed_dict): content = parsed_dict.get("content", {}) body = content.get("body", "") replacement_room = content.get("replacement_room", "") return cls( parsed_dict, body, replacement_room, )